Machine Learning

Using YOLO Algorithm for Real-Time Object Detection

If you are interested in real-time object detection, you have likely come across the term YOLO algorithm. YOLO, which stands for “You Only Look Once,” is a deep learning algorithm used for object detection in real-time video and images. YOLO uses a single neural network to detect objects in images and videos, making it faster and more efficient than other object detection algorithms. How does the YOLO algorithm work, and how is it applied in different technologies that we know today? Read on to find out!

Introduction to Data Science & Machine Learning

Given the explosive growth of data in recent years, it is no surprise that data science has become a rapidly growing field crucial for many industries in Indonesia. Businesses are now actively seeking out professionals who possess the skills to translate vast amounts of company data into informed, or even automated, business decisions. But what is data science all about, and how are machine learning models applied in its practice? Find out the answers in this article!

Forecasting in Power BI for Improved Predictive Analytics

Forecasting in Power BI is a valuable feature that can significantly improve predictive analytics for your business intelligence efforts.

How to Create AI Chatbot Using Deep Learning

AI chatbots have become a popular tool for enhancing customer experiences and streamlining communication. These technologies are created using ...

Augmented Analytics: Comparing Features between BI Tools

Augmented analytics has been regarded as the future of business intelligence. But what is it about, which techniques does it involve, and what ...

10 Machine Learning Tools Recommended by Experts

Whether you are looking to gain a competitive edge in business or make groundbreaking discoveries in your industry, these machine learning tools ...